It’s National Arbor Day on April 30th!

April 30th, 2021, is one of the most important green holidays, Arbor Day. Held on the last Friday of April every year in most states (we’ll get to that soon), Arbor Day has been an important occasion since 1872, but …

How to Start Composting

What is Composting? Compost is decomposed organic matter. Composting is a natural process of recycling organic material such as leaves and vegetable scraps and turning them into a rich soil. Compost is different from fertilizer, as compost feeds the soil …

What is Green Waste

Green waste is a term that was coined to refer to organic waste that can decompose and has a high concentration of nitrogen. It is vital because it can be used for a variety of purposes such as the production …

Recycling Made Easy

It seems to be unanimous. Americans don’t know how to recycle! It is found that many people aren’t provided with enough information regarding recycling or don’t understand what can and can’t be recycled, causing them to recycle incorrectly. Resulting in …

Sustainable vs Eco-friendly

Being “Eco-friendly”or “environmentally friendly” simply means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment. Sustainability sets the focus on the future. It means the item or action is generating environmental, social and economic benefits, while not using up too …

America Recycles Day, November 15th!

America Recycles Day is a nationally-recognized day that celebrates and promotes recycling in the U.S and falls on November 15th. On this day, people are encouraged to spread the word about the benefits of recycling and to practice recycling themselves. …

‘Green Lights Initiative’

Recycling at home or work has become part of our daily routine, but one ubiquitous device that still raises questions over disposal is light bulbs. Do they go out with the normal trash? Get tossed in recycling containers? Do you …

How to Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste

Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients are considered Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). Products such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries and pesticides that contain potentially hazardous ingredients require special handling when you dispose of them. Orange …

Coastal Clean up day! Saturday, September 21, 2019

California Coastal Cleanup Day welcomes more than 60,000 volunteers who will pick up hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash and recyclables from beaches, lakes, and waterways each year. It brings awareness to the marine litter problem and provides a …

Going green has never been this easy!

Transforming your household into a model of environmental conscientiousness can feel like an overwhelming task, but you can make a huge difference in your impact on the planet by making just a few small changes to your lifestyle. Here are …