herb garden made out of wooden pallet on a fence

11 Eco-Friendly Tips to Transform Your Outdoor Space

Embrace Summer with Eco-Friendly Outdoor Makeovers
With summer approaching, many crave a beautiful outdoor space to relax and enjoy the fresh air. But creating a backyard oasis doesn’t have to cost the earth (literally!). Here at EarthWise Hauling, we’re passionate about sustainable living and transforming outdoor spaces in eco-friendly ways.

Beautiful and Eco-Friendly!

7 Ideas for Eco-Friendly Landscaping

For a long time, homeowners wanted expansive, time-consuming, and resource-heavy lawns and garden scapes. While aesthetically pleasing, these types of landscapes require more fertilizers, chemicals, water, and equipment to maintain. Unfortunately, all of this creates more pollution and damage to …

Practical Tips for Sustainable Living

Today, the significance of sustainable living has raised many concerns, and coming up with solutions to this issue has gained popularity. Standing against climate change, diminishing biodiversity, and environmental degradation, we must adopt ways to help curtail our environmental footprint …

Eco-Friendly Junk Removal; how and why is it important?

junk removal and disposal methods In today’s world, environmental awareness is more important than ever. As we try to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve the planet for future generations, it’s important to consider how we dispose of our waste. …

Getting to the Bottom of Dirt and Debris Disposal

Spring is just around the corner, and as many of us start planning our home improvement projects, it’s crucial to be aware of the hidden costs associated with disposing of dense materials. Whether you’re tackling a landscaping project or clearing …

Go to the Beach on World Oceans Day!

In 2021, June 8th is World Oceans Day, but the event extends through the remainder of the week. Aside from the obvious title, what is World Oceans Day about? According to the United Nations website, the environmental holiday was created …

Eco-Friendly Products For the Home

Are you looking to be more eco-friendly in your home? One way is to use eco-friendly products in your day-to-day life. What are some examples of eco-friendly products? First off, let’s reiterate the fact that being eco-friendly means causing little …